
June Currently

It's the first of the month! That means I'm linking up with Farley at Oh Boy Fourth Grade for June's Currently! I'm super excited to actually be posting this on the first on the month, unlike the two previous months!

Listening: I think I sit in the silence all the time. At least if feels that way every time I do my currently. Last time I put something down, I sat around waiting until I actually heard something interesting. This month, all I hear is the air conditioning. It is a sweet, sweet sound! The air conditioning in my car is broken and it is SO hot in there every time I drive. I need to enjoy this wonderfulness in the house when I can!

Loving: I love my students, and I will be sad to see some of them go, but as of right now, I'm pretty ready to start fresh with some new kiddos. This year was chaotic with our new reading program. It will be nice to not start from scratch again next year.

Thinking: It's the kids' last three days of school! Tomorrow is our last 'teaching' day because Tuesday and Wednesday are Field/Awards Day and Picnic Day, respectively. We were told to stay 'academic' but I'll have to throw something together in the morning. Last week and this weekend have been so busy!

Wanting: I'm in the final stretch! I'll graduate in December with my Masters in Curriculum and Instruction, with a focus in ESL and Bilingual. I actually took those classes to get my endorsements. I'm all done with the ESL component and need one more class for the bilingual endorsement. I've been waiting for it to be offered and no such luck. This weekend, I got an email saying that it is being offered (basically just for me) as a second summer school session. So my last six weeks of summer - yeah, say goodbye to those!

Needing: I really wanted to type in a break, but I know one is coming! What I really need is food! I've been trying to lose weight and it's really hard to do when you don't have any groceries in the house. My husband has been pretty patient with me about not going - I'm pretty sure that's only because he doesn't want me to tell him he needs to go though. It's going to happen soon! I keep telling myself that, but I mean it for real this time.

Summer Bucket List:
1) There are so many things I could put on here! So tough to choose! I definitely want to make some changes to my classroom colors, but they should just be minor. I need to get started ASAP though since I'm teaching summer school and taking a vacation in the few weeks that I do get off. Right now, my room is kind of a hodgepodge of blue, green, teal, and brown. I'm hoping to make the switch to teal, lime, yellow, and grey. Part of me thinks there's not enough of a difference to matter, but the other part is saying it's necessary.

2) I DEFINITELY want to get some more TPT products posted! I really enjoy creating materials and I get a warm, fuzzy feeling every time someone buys one of my products. I need to expand a bit if I want to keep selling though because right now, my products are pretty specific. I'm working on some math games, and I hope to create some reading materials as well. I'd like to do classroom decor packs as well though - eventually.

3) I need to do some reading. Every year, I make a reading goal with Goodreads. I'm pretty sure last year I had to change my goal at the end of the year so it looked like I succeeded. I try to average at least a book a month. Summer comes in handy for that, but I hope to make it more like two per month this year. I'm at either three or four books right now (not including grad school reading), so I'm super behind!

So that's what's up with me! What's up with you? Leave a link to your blog in the comments and I will go and check out your June Currently!


  1. Sounds like you have a pretty busy summer ahead of you! Yuck that you have to take a class this summer, but you're in the home stretch! I remember how tired I was while I was finishing up my Master's - you will feel great when you are done! Have a great summer!

    1. Tired definitely describes how I'm feeling! I'm very excited for next weekend when I will finally have a little free time! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. The home stretch is in front of both of us! I feel your exhaustion! This is our last week too and it is bitter sweet. I love my group of kiddos, but I am also VERY ready for summer. Good luck finishing up your classes for your Masters. You will be so fulfilled when it is done!
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jaime! And good luck finishing off the year.

  3. I can't even begin to imagine how exhausted you are! I know while I've been working to get my bachelor's and working full time (not teaching) and being a mom, that I've been tired. But you've got to be more tired! I hope you do great on your final classes and congrats on being so close to being finished!

    1. I don't know, Brittany. Bachelor's degrees can be exhausting too! You're probably taking more classes than I am. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I'm completely with you on being ready to start fresh with a new class. I really like my kids this year too, but as it was the first time I was teaching this age group, I've learned a lot and would do a lot of things very differently!
    Growing Little Learners

    1. It's pretty bittersweet, but like you said - I'm ready to do a lot of things differently! Thanks for stopping by!
