
School's Out! and Sell It Saturday

School let out this week, and, like many of you I'm sure, I am very excited! One of the reasons that I'm so excited to be done with school - at least temporarily; I am doing Summer School - is because now I will have time to work on my Teachers Pay Teachers store! I'm really excited to get some more things up before the new year begins, which is why I'm going to begin a Sell It Saturday Link Up!

Sell It Saturday

I only have a few products up, but I am starting to see some sales, especially for my products that go along with our new reading series. Here is a link to my current product that I have up. It goes along with the second grade Reading Street 2013 series. Unfortunately, it's pretty specific in it's use so it isn't for everyone, but for those of you that use Reading Street, it's pretty awesome!

I plan to get some more Reading Street supplemental materials up, but I'm also working on some general products as well. For instance, I'm changing my room colors a bit this year, and I am working on some new name tags (among other things) to reflect the changes. My colors have always been green and teal. This year, I'm accenting with yellow and grey.

I recently saw the "Hello my name is" idea at Second Grade Shennanigans and loved the idea of adding that to my own name tags. I'm still unsure if this is what I'll go with or not, but I think they are super cute so far!

Linking Up

So what have you been working on? Scroll down to the bottom and share a TPT product that you've been working on and want to share with everyone. Be sure to visit at least three others, and check out what they're sharing!

End of The Year Madness

It was quite the interesting last day of school. We were supposed to have Picnic Day, but we got rained on, so we had to change some plans.

In our classroom, we did a "Find Somebody who..." game, passed out bags, worked on our End of The Year activities, had a Frozen sing along while coloring pictures of Elsa and Anna (even the boys got in to it).

We also danced to some GoNoodle videos, played Down By The Banks, and had an indoor picnic before finally settling down to watch Wall-E.
We love us some GoNoodle! Try it out if you're looking for a brain break.
At the very end of the day, we clapped as our fifth graders paraded through the school. With only five minutes left before dismissal, we all sat around in a circle and shared our favorite second grade memory, and, if they wanted to, why they were going to miss second grade. Surprisingly, I only had one jokester during this time. The rest of the kids were super serious. It was fun listening to what their favorite things were. Some were things I didn't even remember doing! Many of the kids thought that our modified picnic day was the best day of all (of course! we never get to do so many fun, nonacademic things in one day after all).

One student's favorite memory was making a house for the fourth little pig.
By the time the kids were dismissed, I had about six students full-on sobbing because they didn't want to leave their friends and our classroom. It was heart-wrenching. Our admin talked about it the next day at our Institute Day because apparently it happened in a number of places throughout the building. It really shows how much our school has changed in the past year. I've always had kids who wish they could go to school all year long, I've never had the level of emotions that we had this year.

How did your end of the year go? Let me know in the comments below. And don't forget to link up for Sell It Saturday!


  1. Your end of the year sounds so sweet. Our kids go until June 24th and we go til the 27th, so I still have a ways to go! The class really does become like a family, doesn't it.
    Happy Summer to you!!!

    1. It certainly was sweet. I'll miss those kiddos. Thanks for visiting, Carolyn!


  2. So excited to join in. I just linked up!

    1. Thanks for linking up! Make sure you visit again next weekend!

  3. What a great linky. Hopefully by next week I'll have a newer item to link up with you! Enjoy the summer!

    A Teacher Without A Class

    1. I'd be happy for you to join next week! If you haven't yet, make sure you subscribe so you catch the post.


  4. I love this link up! Thank you for hosting! I have heard great things about Reading Street. I am looking for CC files to supplement Houghton Mifflin, but I think I will have to create my own! I bought a class set of Third Grade Angels to use next year. I love your name tags! I'm your newest follower!

    1. It's tough finding exactly what you need to supplement your reading series, isn't it? Thanks for stopping by! I'd love for you to link up again next week!

  5. Hi Kristin,

    Did you know that you are a 'no-reply' blogger? That means others can't reply to your comments via email. Just wanted to let you know as that's a handy way to connect with bloggers. :)

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

    1. Lauren, I emailed you, but I want to ask again because I swear I've fixed this before! Ugh! How do you know if someone is a no-reply blogger? The little reply button always comes up after my comments, and I've even tested it by replying and I have gotten the email. It's very confusing!


  6. Thanks for inviting me to this link up. It looks like a a fun one, thanks for hosting!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

    1. Thanks for joining up! Make sure you subscribe so you see the post next weekend.


  7. Thanks for the invite! Is it a weekly link up? I'll try to post something next Saturday. I love your blog btw.

    1. The plan is to make it weekly! I'm hoping it will help me (and anyone else) who has a goal to build their TPT store. See you next weekend!


  8. Thanks for inviting me to the link up. I will definitely be linking up next weekend! Your blog is so cute and I love your tagline. Congrats on getting started with TPT, I am fairly new to it too but if you ever have any questions, I would be happy to help : )

    1. Definitely link up next week! I'm glad you link the tagline! It's so dang hard to come up with blog names! Especially ones that don't have a grade level in it! I didn't want that because at our school, people change grades all the time! I'll for sure keep you in mind if I have any questions!


  9. Thank you for the invite Kristin, you have a wonderful blog! The idea of Sell if Saturday is a great idea to showcase one of our TPT products, which I'm sure will help other teachers. Sometimes it's hard to navigate through TPT and find a great product. This way, they can read about it before buying! See you Saturday.

    Linda :)

    1. I agree! I'm excited to see what project you promote on Saturday!

