
Currently - A Week Late!

I'm so late with this! Better late than never though! Maybe after reading about what is going on with me currently, you'll understand why I'm late!

Listening: My husband and I returned yesterday from a relaxing 4th of July weekend getaway. We were gone for about four days - nothing too long. This morning when I got ready to leave for summer school I realized that my car wouldn't start! After much panicking and convincing my husband to work from home so I could take his car, he was finally able to get it started. Only, I got stuck in the school parking lot when I was ready to leave to come back home too! So now, we're trying to figure out exactly what is wrong. My fingers are crossed that it's something simple!

Loving: Between summer school, weekend plans, and grad school, I feel like I haven't had a single moment of free time for weeks! I have grad school work due tonight, but I finally feel like I'm in a place where I can take a few minutes hours to do me things.

Thinking: Even though I'm taking me time, I'm still thinking about all the grad school work, summer school prep and regular year prep I still need to do! I just found out that one of my projects for my current grad school course requires me to complete the entire thing in Spanish. I speak Spanish, but it still makes me incredibly nervous because I am not a native speaker or anything near it!

Wanting: An entirely free weekend. In the school year, they happen all the time. In the summer, they're one in a million it feels like. I might finally get my wish in two or three weeks!

Needing: We are starting a new math curriculum and I am fortunate enough to be teaching summer school (I'm trying to look for the silver linings), so I get to work out some of the kinks. But I feel like every time I figure something out, there are ten more things I forgot or didn't realize to do! So many of the teachers at our school are nervous about our interactive white boards, but they need to be thinking more about these abundant math materials and how to get them ready for student use!

4th Plans: Obviously the 4th is past, but the hubs and I visited the North Woods (Wisconsin) for the weekend with a group of our friends. It was a wonderful weekend filled with relaxing, eating, laying out, and a little bit of fishing. I'm not a big fisher, but every so often it's entertaining. Next weekend, we'll be heading off camping with the same group of friends. We joke that we should all just sell our homes and move in together because of how often we see each other!

That's what's going on here! How was your 4th weekend?


  1. Sounds like you've been busy. I am late with my currently too. My sister got married and we just got back on Sunday. Took a few days to unwind and then I was like oh yeah the currently. We had a great 4th, it was the rehersal dinner and then we had a bbq.

    Take care,
    Mrs. Bucaroff's Fantastic Fourth

    1. Heather, it usually happens like that for me. I always remember after the fact. I need a blogging calendar, I think!

  2. Hey Kristen! I absolutely love your site! I made sure to add you! What kind of math materials do you have? I am looking for ways to utilize an interactive student notebook with my students!

    Take care,
    Kimberly Lawler

    1. The materials we received were mostly manipulatives, but we also got games. They are separate from the interactive white board. They just organized them in a very strange way, so it will be a bit of work to get them to a usable state.


  3. Such a cute blog! I'm your newest fan. ;)

    <a href="http://literacylovinggals.blogspot.com ”>Liteacy Loving Gals </a>
