
Five For Friday!


It's been such a busy week! All my weeks have been this summer, really. I can't believe that I haven't posted a blog posting in two and a half weeks!


I've been working hard on putting the finishing touches on my own design blog, That Fancy Blog Boutique. The blog is finally active and I am accepting orders for custom Blogger designs! I've also been working hard with Sherrie from 7th Grade Math Rules! on her own custom blog design. It was great working with Sherrie and I am thrilled that she loves her new blog design!


This one is technically from last week, but I want to share it anyway! Stitch Fix #3 arrived in the mail on Wednesday!

This Fix included a cardigan, a faux-wrap cap sleeve shirt, a navy striped top, a black striped skirt, and a faux-wrap dress. While not everything was a winner, I did love all the tops! The skirt didn't quite fit and the dress reminded my husband a bit too much of a robe.

The red top is repeated in the last picture because I needed something to wear with the skirt.


Summer school is what is currently taking up the majority of my time. Whether it is 2nd grade summer school or grad school summer school - chances are if I'm not sneaking off to work on blog design, I am grading, doing homework, or planning. This year, summer school our district changed to a site based summer school program. It has been wonderful being in my own classroom teaching students who will be in my own classroom but I am ready for it to be done! I told my husband today that I am even fine if that means the new school year has started. No matter what I do, summer school always feels different than the regular school year and it throws me off.


For grad school, I am currently taking my final course to officially become bilingual certified. I have a temporary license right now. The final project for this course, I need to create a unit in Spanish on the topic of my choice. I've started thinking of what topic I want to use for my unit, but I just can't decide. I am not a native Spanish speaker and I generally only use it with my students, so I am pretty nervous because we also need to do a video presentation describing our unit. I've been taking 1:1 Spanish classes to try to expand my speaking abilities past topics appropriate for children, but even in the 1:1 setting, there's more of a focus on activities and grammar than actual speaking. Sometimes Most of the time, I wish I had a Spanish speaking friend so I had an excuse to speak the language with an adult. In my 1:1 course, we've been discussing the environment and clean energy. I may end up doing my unit on something related to that just because I've learned so much useful vocabulary during the three or four sessions that we've focused on the topic.


I'm really, really hoping to be able to do a Sell-It Saturday again tomorrow! I truly need to work on scheduling posts ahead of time so that even if I'm busy on a Saturday, I can still get them posted. I haven't had time to create anything recently for Teachers Pay teachers, but I've had so many ideas these past few weeks that I've been absent, so hopefully sometime tonight or tomorrow I'll be ready to go again! Be sure to visit back tomorrow or follow me on Bloglovin and link up with Sell It Saturday!

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