Currently January

Hey there! I'm linking up with Farley for the January Currently!


My husband has been working on our basement for nearly a year now. He's down there right now and I'm listening to the sweet tunes that he has on. He's finally to the point where he is just doing some finishing touches as we wait for carpet and cabinets, so hopefully this long journey will be over soon.


If you've been here before, you may have noticed that my blog looks quite a bit different! Back in October, I went to a blogger meet-up and got lots of super cute blogging business cards. I decided I needed my own, too! I realized that I wanted to bright and fun design for my business cards. After I finished them, I decided to redesign my blog to match. I also love that I was able to fit a tab along the navigation bar for Design, so everything is in one place for now. Much more simple.


Besides working on blogging more frequently, I want to branch out further into the world of TPT. I don't have too much freedom in my classroom to add lots of extra resources, so I've been brainstorming what I can create for my room and how I can expand on it for others. My fingers are crossed that I'll figure something out.


I love my students, but I love breaks too! I've read four books over break so far and am working on the fifth. I've spent lots of time with family and friends, and I've been able to take some much needed R&R time now that I'm finished with my masters program (yay!). It won't be terrible to go back, but I wouldn't complain if our break was extended.


My lesson plans are done. They just need to actually be typed out. I meant to do this earlier in break, but I was so eager to leave school on that last day that I left my hand-written lesson plans in my classroom. I'll need to head over there tomorrow or this weekend to get them so that everything is all ready. Luckily, all my copies are done and such.

Yes, Maybe, Wish

I know that a lot of people make goals about weight loss, and I do have a goal like that, but I have trouble committing. The one goal that I have which I am certain that I WILL accomplish is that I will become better with blogging this year! Sarah from Shutters and Scribbles and I made a list of over 50 potential blogging topics. That's not even including potential posts about new designs I've done or TPT products that I've made (if I ever get started with that). I have set myself up to post at least a blog a week, and I'm excited about that. 

I'd love to write a book. For the past seven years or so in November, I have participated in National Novel Writing Month but it's always been difficult because of my undergrad or masters classes. I've always wanted to write. Now that I'm done with all that, I'm hoping that I'll have time to sit down and write some stories, even if they are just short ones - hopefully even outside of November!

This year, I'd also love to take some trips this summer. We went on one vacation last summer, which was wonderful, but teaching summer school took up the majority of my summer. I'm hoping that we can do a weekend getaway or two to somewhere fun. Plus, I'm really hoping that I make it to Vegas this summer!

Happy 2015!


  1. I loved ready your post. I am currently in Graduate school along with teaching and one of my wishes is to blog more as well it is hard to balance but well worth the effort. Keep thinking on the TPT ideas I am sure you will figure out some wonderful things to create.

    1. Leslie, try making a list of topics. I'm so excited that my friend and I did that. You may not get up over 50 like we did, but even if you get over 20, that's one to two posts per month that you don't need to worry about.

  2. Hi Kristin. Love your pretty new blog:)
    Four books over the break is amazing! I've been reading, too, but mostly on-line stuff.
    Best of luck with your writing. You might want to visit Kimberley from Books First in Maine. She's an aspiring writer also.
    Happy New Year!
    BL Designs

  3. Your blog design is so cute! I wish I had more time to read (another week of break would definitely help that). Happy New Year!

    Glitter and Gradebooks

  4. Your blog looks great and I just saw that you did it yourself! My advice about grad school....just do it and get it done. I just finished last year after starting earlier and stopping for a while because we moved across the country. I honestly wish I had done it right after getting my bachelors or during my first couple years of teaching. It's great that you have created an entire list of blogging topics. I bet that will help you out a lot. I should probably do the same. Good luck finishing up your planning and happy new year!

    Literacy Spark

    1. Jessica, I definitely agree. I started my masters program during my second year of teaching, and it was pretty easy to get back in the swing of school. It was time consuming, of course, to do it with a full time job, but I'm sure it's easier than doing it after a much longer break.

  5. Your new blog design is adorable!

    Happy 2015!
    Sprinkles for the Teacher

  6. I love your blog design! It's colorful and fresh!

  7. OMG! On my currently I said I maybe need a new blog design and I just happen to click on your blog...I think it was meant to be!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

    1. Probably! Check out the design info tab for more information if you are interested.
