Sunday Scoop

Hey there! I'm here following the wonderful Midwest Blogger Meetup held by Jameson at Lessons with Coffee and Lindsey at Thriving in Third. Seriously, it was wonderful and it was great to meet some other bloggers from close and far! Pictures to come later this week, hopefully. I'm already excited for 2015 in Minneapolis! 

It's Sunday, though, and that means it's time for The Sunday Scoop! I love this link-up! It's super fun and easy! Visit the Teaching Trio by clicking the graphic below and you can link up too!

Need to Do

We had a School Improvement Day and one of the topics was creating daily outcomes. The way our reading series is set up, it focuses more on weekly outcomes. Our team worked really hard to figure out how to customize these on a daily level. Now I get the fantastic job of typing all 30 or so up so that we can post them each day.

Center activities have kind of been pushed to the back burner with all the other lovely things that need to be done each week. I need to make the kids activities for this week, but I also want to work to figure out how I can further customize them to meet the needs of my kiddos and keep them engaged because right now ... that's not always the case. I'm convinced some of them see it as busy work.

Last - today is the last day of my current grad school class. Tomorrow I'll start a new class which will be my last one before I graduate! I'm super excited that I'm almost finished!

Hope to Do

As I mentioned, we did a whole bunch of work on our lesson outcomes/objectives. My team does everything together, including writing our actual lesson plans. Our ideas about outcomes shifted as we continued through the week, and, as a result, my Monday plans look totally different (visually) than my Friday plans. Everything is there, but it's driving me a little nuts that they aren't all perfectly similar.

My family has seen some major changes this past year and we're still trying to figure out exactly how to function. Lately, my mom, sister, and one of my brothers have been getting together quite often for some good ol' family time. Last week we went shopping and had lunch. Yesterday we meet for lunch and dinner. Today we're supposed to be going to see a movie - if I can leave the house. It'll probably become a bit much at some point, but my husband is in the middle of finishing a basement and hunting season, so for now, it's fun to have something to do that isn't school!

Happy to Do

Unfortunately, this little linky is always on a Sunday and as a result, my Happy to Do is more often than not going to be watch Once Upon a Time! It's probably my favorite show that I watch all week!

What are you up to today? Is your Sunday all about school or do you have time to do other things?